F**k Society…

Nowadays, society is more concerned about who struggles more. Who has less, compared to who has more…

Equality has always been nonexistent, yet people still expect it, like everyone expects to win a $1 billion lottery jackpot…

It’s truly about finding and knowing your lane. Are you an educator? Do you enjoy working with your hands? Or do you have a gift to capture an audience’s attention?

It’s too often, we allow others to choose our fate or tell us what our passions are, and they have no earthly idea of who we are, as individuals. And that’s due to the inequality that has always existed.

It’s natural for anyone to want to be great at some point in their life, but to what extent? It’s rare to come across someone that will help you surpass them in life. When/If that happens, walls automatically go up on our end. We’re trying to figure out this person’s motive for their generosity. So we go on the offense (trying to stay 3-4 steps ahead of them), rather than just embracing their genuine guidance and help. Then we’re defensive (argumentative) when they attempt to correct us…

People can be trifling and that’s no secret. But “only the strong survive”, right? “There’s a sucker born every minute” and we’ve all been that “sucker” at some point in our lives, to someone and someone has been ours.

A garbageman’s purpose, to most, is to pick up garbage. To me, they’re contributing to keeping my loved one healthy, by removing their known garbage from their lives.

As people, it should never be about who has more or less, but more along the lines of where we fit in to contribute to the overall big picture. We all have our weaknesses, just like we have our strengths. It’s the next person’s strengths that should compliment the next person’s weaknesses.

There is strength in numbers, everyone just can’t count…